Kasey Reck, Director of Customer Experience

It is said that “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” As the very first point of contact for Carey Bros. Remodeling, Kasey Reck takes this well-known adage quite seriously.

While the Carey Brothers – James and Morris – are well known throughout the Bay Area, Kasey knows it is still important to make that first impression count when answering a call for information or an estimate. “Experts say that a first impression is made in less than 10-seconds,“ notes Kasey, “and I always make it a point to be cheerful, interested and professional right from the first hello.”

Brother and Co-Owner, James states, “Kasey being the first point of contact is probably one of the single most important jobs in our company.”

In addition to gathering all of the pertinent information to get things underway for the design and build teams, brother Morris says, “She sets the tone that we strive to fulfill all throughout a project… and then helps keep it going from start to finish.”

Once a project begins, Kasey plays another important role. She communicates with the subcontractors and material suppliers to get the pricing and details needed to create and execute contracts… and when a project is successfully completed, Kasey again follows-up with final warranties, guarantees and lien releases.

“Simply put, she makes sure all the i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed,” adds James.

And, should you meet this personable 29-year old out-and-about around town… hiking or out by the pool… chances are she’ll win you over too… in the first ten seconds.

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